Slowing my roll

So I’ve stepped away and did some more reflecting since my last post… Looking back, I do believe I jumped the gun with building a Shopify website so soon. I did not research my product thoroughly enough. Simple as that. Also there are more aspects of dropshipping that I need to dig deeper in to before I go all out. I had enough wisdom to create an LLC last month but I was not even aware of the fact that I’d also need a sales tax ID and/or a Employer Identification Number (EIN). These are things I need to be familiar with if I want to succeed at dropshipping and my other ventures longterm…

With that said, I’m going to reconsider my pace. My new goal will be to learn as much of the ins and outs of dropshipping and come up with a plan before the end of the month. I’ll still push myself to starting up a store with a potential winning product but at the same time not shoot myself in the foot…

To end on a good note, I have accomplished a few things that I think will be helpful in the future:

Applied for a Sales Tax ID (Don’t have it yet)
Applied for an EIN (Got it)
Created an email for my LLC
Opened a Paypal Business Account for my LLC